Projects by Organisation: Locus+
The Locus+ Archive (incorporating material from the Basement Group and Projects UK) hosted at the University of Sunderland currently has two PhD posts affiliated to it and is the largest archive of time-based work in Europe. It forms a comprehensive historical overview of contemporary art practice from the early '70s to the present, covering artists' projects from a variety of British and international contexts. Here is a snapshot of the projects that have been digitized to date.

Illumination Rig, 2006 Graham Gussin
A site-specific installation using film-lights to illuminate urban non-spaces, in particular the locations where architectural styles clash
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Sacred Selections, 2006 Matt Stokes
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Polar Wandering, 2005 Layla Curtis
A web-based project that recorded the three-month journey the artist made to and from Antarctica.
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NewcastleGateshead, 2005 Layla Curtis
NewcastleGateshead is a collaged map compiled from regional namesakes taken from city maps worldwide. In the form of a generic folded map, the collage mimics the existing, familiar structure of NewcastleGateshead.
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Space Travel, 2005 Elizabeth Wright
A sequence of 115 images of the interior of car parks reproduced on large light-reflective panels viewable through the Metro carriage as it passes through the tunnel.
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Ghost Ship, 2005 Chris Burden
Ghost Ship involved the construction and development of a crewless, self-navigating sailing boat, which undertook its maiden voyage between Fair Isle, Scotland and Newcastle upon Tyne. Audiences were able to track the boats progress via a live, daily updated website.
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Ordinary Living, 2005 Stepanka Stein & Salim Issa
Artist residency and collaboration with IPRN University of Sunderland
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Underwood (Christmas letter), 2004 Janice Kerbel
A letter composed by Janice Kerbel using a typeface based on that of a typewriter manipulated by the artist.
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Creative Biotechnology: a user's manual, 2004 Natalie Jeremijenko & Eugene Thacker
Publication and on-line work, documenting and discussing research and issues surrounding Biotech Hobbyism funded by the Wellcome Trust. Launched: 15.09.04 Artists Space, New York and 22.09.04 Henry Wellcome Building for Neuroecology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
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